Daniel Marino
Builder of things™
NextI ❤️ Static Sites
… also Eleventy is the Shizzle
NextWhat is a Static Site?
A static (web)site contains web pages with fixed content. Now when the browser makes a HTTP call to the server, these files are returned as it is to the server. No processing is done to generate content. Example: this presentation!
As opposed to… ?
Dynamic websites perform some processing at their end to prepare the HTML according to the request received and sends this prepared content to the browser. Example: Harvest App
NextOkay, why have a static site?
- Fast — no lengthy load times when displaying the page.
- Cheap — often cheaper to host static files.
- Simple — simpler to setup and maintain.
Static Site Generators
A hybrid approach to web development that allow you to build a powerful, server-based website locally on your computer but pre-builds the site into static files for deployment.
NextHarvest Help Center
- Built using Ruby-powered Jekyll, and hosted on GitHub pages.
- Data/Content stored as front-matter and Markdown files.
- Layouts/Templates are HTML files, with Liquid templating sprinkled in.
Eleventy! (or is it 11ty?)
- Created to be a JavaScript alternative to Jekyll.
- Works with multiple template languages, such as HTML, Markdown, JS, Nunjucks, Handlebars, and more. You can pick one or use them all together in a single project.
- Works great with data — use both front-matter and external data files to inject content into templates.
- Blazingly Fast!